ESAMI is a premier management development centre whose mandate is to improve performance and management effectiveness of its clients through Management training, Consultancy and Advisory Services among others. Over the past 35 years, ESAMI has effectively carried out its mandate by providing tailored and customized training as well as consultancy and advisory services over and above the open programmes that it runs every year throughout Africa.
Focus Areas
Action-Oriented Research
Client-Centered Consultancy
Management Advisory Services
Knowledge Generation and Publications
Experience in Consultancy Services
Over the years ESAMI has secured and successfully done consultancy assignments for various government agencies, parastatal and private sector organizations in African, and international institutions operating in Africa. Some of the recent assignments are in the following involved:
- Development of strategic and business plans,
- Skills audit / Skills gap analysis
- Review of remuneration packages,
- Business process re-engineering,
- Design and implementation of performance management systems,
- Quick wins,
- Service delivery surveys;
- Development of Schemes of service
- Training needs assessment
- Gender Audit and mainstreaming;
Institutional/ - Organisational review;
- Job evaluation and Salary grading, etc.
- Organizational policy review We are experts in carrying out consultancy assignments and customized training in the following areas:-
- Human Resource Development & Management
- Finance and Banking
- Governance & Public Sector Management
- Strategic Planning and Management
- Energy & Environmental Management
- Gender Development & Management
- Information Technology and Records management
- Project Management and M & E
- Marketing & Customer Service
- Procurement & Transport Infrastructure
- Health Management and Administration
For more information on ESAMI consultancy and customized training, please contact any ESAMI office nearest to you.
ESAMI’s Consultancy Assignments Highlights
- Performance Management System Installation (Five Social Ministries under WB funding for Government of Tanzania, 2003/4)
- Consultancy Services on Harmonization of Public Procurement Act for Min. of Finance, Tanzania, 2022.
- Development of GLAMI Strategic Plan, Tanzania, 2021.
- Cascading of GLAMI Strategic Plan, Tanzania, 2022.
- Consultancy on Strategic Plan for Tanzania Health Promotion Support (THPS), Tanzania.
- Resource Mobilization Strategy Implementation Plan for the Legal and Human Rights Company (LHRC), Tanzania, 2021.
- Development of Strategic Plan for the Ministry of Communication Science and Technology, Tanzania.
- Development of Strategic Plan of Mkapa HIV/AIDS Foundation, Tanzania, 2013.
- iAgri consultancy for Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)’s capacity building and training needs analysis (TNA), 2015.
- Various assignments for organizational improvement, policy review, and more.
- Restructuring and Job Evaluation for the Parliamentary Service, Uganda, 2021.
- Aligning Board Strategic Plan with Balanced Scorecard for Lotteries and Gaming Board, Uganda.
- Strategic Plan for Parliamentary Pension Scheme, Uganda.
- Performance Management for Uganda Judiciary.
- Strategic Plan for Malawi Gaming and Lotteries Board.
- Development of 2023-2028 Strategic Plan for National Construction Industry Council.
- Consultancy Services for Strategic Plan of National Aids Commission Malawi.
- Balanced Scorecard for the Reserve Bank of Malawi.
- Strategic plans for various sectors and entities.
- In-service training policy development for the Ministry of Public Service, Eswatini, 2022.
- Master plan for the Tourism sector.
- Government job evaluation and more.
- Business plan development for Kafue Gorge.
- Client service charters for various ministries.
- Strategic plans for organizations.
- Gender Audit for Public Service of Zambia.
- Strategic plan for the Zambia Judiciary.
- Development of Strategic Plan for Lesotho HRAA.
- Impact Evaluation of Small Enterprise Development Thematic Program.
- Public service delivery survey for various government departments.
- Quick-wins for the Government to enhance service quality.
- Capacity building for designing and implementing quick wins.
- Institutional assessment for Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD).
- Office Automation and MIS Project Planning for East African Community (EAC).
- Study of ECA staff and skills audit for the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
- Organizational and staffing review for Southern African Transport and Communication (SATC).
- Human Resources Development Study for SADC members commissioned by SATC.
- Restructuring and Job Evaluation for the Central Bank of Rwanda.
- These assignments demonstrate ESAMI’s diverse expertise and its role in contributing to strategic planning, organizational enhancement, and capacity building across numerous countries and sectors.