Wind Energy Project Management
This course is aimed at providing the participants with an insight into the different aspects of wind energy project management, from wind resource assessment to technology and end-use assessment.
Areas of emphasis included the following:
- Availability and potential of wind energy;
- Wind energy technologies;
- Water resource assessment for wind pumps;
- Wind pumps;
- Wind generators;
- Design aspects;
- End-use applications;
- System sizing: matching demand and supply;
- Economics and financing;
- State of the art;
The programme is beneficial to officers from Rural Energy Agencies, Rural Electrification Agencies, Ministries and Departments of Energy and Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy companies and organizations, Energy Regulators, Renewable Energy Investors, Rural Development Agencies and NGOs, Environmental Departments and Agencies, and independent consultants.
At the end of the course, participants were expected to have obtained the ability to judge the viability of new wind energy projects, to set conditions for implementation, to make calculations for the size and costs of the system, and to advise potential customers such as farmers, individual households, and architects on solar and wind energy systems.
US$ 1600 to cover tuition and training materials only.