Energy Management Systems

Start: Feb 17, 2025
End: Feb 28, 2025
Venue: Dubai - UAE
Format: Two weeks
Duration: 2 weeks
Statement of Need

Are you aware of how much energy is used by various systems at different stages throughout your production process? If you answered ‘yes’, then you are one step ahead of many industrial companies. More often than not, energy is accepted as a fixed cost in business, an unavoidable input that simply must be absorbed. The reality is that energy can be optimised and managed in a way that drastically improves the bottom line, reduces costs, increases productivity, boosts employee morale and contributes to global environmental targets. There is no shortage of resources available for industrial managers looking to make their company more energy efficient. In fact, there is so much information it can often be difficult to know where to start or what is worth researching further. This training programme provides an overview for leadership teams on what an Energy Management System is and how implementing one can bring added value to your organization. This training programme is the perfect starting point for generating awareness about the benefits and opportunities that an industrial Energy Management System can provide for your organization.

Who Attends
  • Energy Managers
  • Environmental Officers
  • Management Representatives
  • Facilities/Energy Managers, Executives and Supervisors
  • Personnel responsible for auditing/ implementing/maintaining an Energy Management System
  • Any other personnel who wish to advance their career in management
    systems, irrespective of discipline
How participants will benefit

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Reduce costs and find a competitive advantage Energy costs can account for as much as one fifth of an industrial business’ expenditure.
    Investing in energy efficiency can help to drastically reduce variable costs and lead to gains in competitive advantages including product
    price and the availability of capital for innovation.
  • A net increase in jobs from energy efficiency, for the most part, is the result of two major changes: 1) an initial expenditure or effort that
    drives energy bill savings, 2) the subsequent adjustment in spending patterns brought about by that initial expenditure or effort.
  • Mitigate risks When taking new approaches to improve energy efficiency, energy managers can also highlight underlying associated risks. Furthermore, as a direct result of reduced energy demand, a company’s exposure to market volatility is also reduced as their fossil fuel consumption wanes. Therefore, energy efficiency proves to be an effective management tool to mitigate financial risk and energy shortages.
  • Improve bankability of company projects with better data capturing data via an Energy management System helps to ensure better post
    Investment project performance. In many cases, financial institutions report there is a shortage of bankable projects. A wider application
    of energy management systems could help to increase the pool of bankable projects available for investment.
  • Better Understanding of the ISO 50001 Management System
  • Concepts and requirements of ISO 50001
  • Energy Management System Implementation Process

US$ 2300 to cover tuition and training materials only.