Agricultural Value Chain Financing
Start: Jun 9, 2025
End: Jun 20, 2025
Venue: Kampala - Uganda
Format: Two weeks
Duration: 2 weeks
Statement of Need
Youth unemployment and rural poverty are the greatest challenges facing African governments today. A greater part of the solution lies in agricultural transformation through the creation and expansion of the agriculture value chains. This calls for the injection of finances at various stages of the value chain, a challenge to many private and public sector entities. This programme explores ways of building and mobilising financial resource to support the growth agricultural value chains.
Who Attends
Policy makers, Agricultural officers and experts, financial officers and experts, , micro finance institutions officers and value chain experts
How participants will benefit
At the end of the programme, participants will be able to
- Outline the role of agriculture in economic transformation;
- Map, develop and analyze agricultural value chains;
- Diagnose the upgrading and financial needs of agricultural enterprises value chain;
- Develop strategies for mobilizing and expanding financial resources for the agriculture value chain;
- Develop strategies on how to mitigate agricultural value chain
financing risks.
US$ 1600 to cover tuition and training materials only.