World Bank Procurement Framework for Policy Makers

Start: Sep 22, 2024
End: Sep 26, 2025
Venue: Istanbul - Turkey
Format: One week
Duration: 53 weeks
Statement of Need

Developing countries globally and Africa in particular are major borrowers from the world bank for funding of the country’s development projects. Public sectors executives are entrusted with the responsibility to come up with the development projects and approach the world bank for the respective funds. For many years, the bank used the ‘red and green’ procurement guidelines that have been replaced by the new ‘procurement regulations for IPF borrowers, launched on July 1st 2016.

The new regulations require the public sector executives to actively participate in the approval process. Procurement officers are being trained
on the regulations. However, the chief accounting officers in ministry need to be sensitized on what the regulations entails, and will enhance their approval capacity as well as negotiation with the world bank for needed development funding. ESAMI in collaboration with the world bank will
run the programme and provide reading materials on the procurement framework regulations.

Who Attends

Principal secretaries of all government ministries and chief executive officers of government agencies

How participants will benefit

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Explore various concepts in the 2016 procurement regulations for IP borrowers;
  • Introduce to the executives the basic tenets of the core principles of the regulations, and how they fit within procurement systems across the world;
  • Discuss the importance of procurement planning from the borrower’s perspectives;
  • Review the differences between the old guidelines and the new procurement regulations.

US$ 2000 to cover tuition and training materials only.