Understanding and Analyzing the Public Sector Budget

Start: Jul 14, 2025
End: Jul 25, 2025
Venue: Dar es Salaam - Tanzania
Format: Two weeks
Duration: 2 weeks
Statement of Need

Budgeting in the public sector plays a very important role for a country and its economy. It is used to deliver public services and assets. It is an important tool for economic stability and growth. Above all, it sets priorities in accordance with the wishes of society. Therefore it is important that it is done well and implemented well. The budget as we know it, tries to capture all government activities for a given financial period. These activities must be prioritized and appropriately funded. Given the size of government, its activities are pervasive which makes the budget a complex tool that requires skill and knowledge to understand. In addition, a lot of stakeholders have interest in how the budget is done. Therefore, a lot of analysis needs to be carried out on the budget at every one of its stages in order for it to be understood by decision makers, stakeholders and implementers. This programme is intended to develop capacity in analysis of the budget and budget process to aid understanding.

Who Attends

Finance managers, accountants, economists and administrators in the public sector.

How participants will benefit

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• Play the expected role in budget policy making;
• Generate relevant information on the budget for decision making;
• Use budget information to make finance management decisions;
• Engage other stakeholders in discussions on budget making and building consensus on budgetary priorities;
• Help in resolving conflict during budget making.


US$ 1600 to cover tuition and training materials only.