Transport Policy and Planning in Africa

Start: Apr 28, 2025
End: May 16, 2025
Venue: Kampala - Uganda
Format: Three weeks
Duration: 3 weeks
Statement of Need

Transportation plays a critical role in the economic and social development of Africa. However, the continent faces numerous challenges in terms of transport policy and planning, including inadequate infrastructure, inefficient systems, and limited resources. To address these challenges and unlock the potential of transport networks, there is a need for comprehensive training and knowledge-sharing programmes. This programme aims to bridge the gap by providing participants with the necessary skills and understanding of transport policy and planning in Africa, enabling them to contribute to sustainable and efficient transport systems.

Who Attends

Permanent/principal secretaries, commissioners, directors and senior officials in government ministries at central and local level, executive agencies and enterprises in both the public and private sectors.

How participants will benefit

At the end of the programme, participants will be able to:

  • Analyze the transport challenges and opportunities in Africa
  • Explore best practices in transport policy development:
  • Develop skills in transport planning and modeling
  • Address sustainability and environmental considerations
  • Evaluate financing and governance models for transport projects
  • Analyze the role of technology in transport policy and planning

US$ 2300 to cover tuition and training materials