Procurement Framework for Project Staff

Start: Apr 22, 2025
End: May 2, 2025
Venue: ESAMI Headquarters - Arusha, Tanzania
Format: Two weeks
Duration: 2 weeks
Statement of Need

Procurement function has become professionalized. In the recent years, procurement competency frameworks have begun to emerge, and procurement professionals are required to have the requisite procurement body of knowledge and skills. At the same time, the function has been evolving and now requires both specialized knowledge and skills in procurement but also a broad appreciation of the various fields that link with procurement function. Equally, many areas that consume the services of procurement specialists need to appreciate how procurement works and its significance in supporting timely completion of development projects that are fit for purpose and that deliver value for money. Investment project financing regulations rolled out by the world bank after June 2016 require that all projects funded after that date comply with these regulations. A clear consideration of the provisions under the regulations is an important aspect for project teams.

This programme is based on the world bank procurement framework and regulations for projects after july 1, 2016.  This programme aims at enhancing the capacity of project teams implementing development projects funded by the world bank to assess user needs and effectively undertake procurement processes in accordance with the July 2016 world bank procurement framework and regulations.

Who Attends

Public procurement practitioners, project finance experts, project accountants, project auditors, procurement assessors, project coordinators and project component leaders, members of national public procurement offices, tender boards and evaluation committees, procurement auditors, probity advisers.

How participants will benefit

At the end of the programme, participants will be able to:-

  • Articulate the principles of effective procurement under world bank funded projects;
  • Plan, implement and evaluate a sourcing process appropriate to the value/risk of the goods/services being procured;
  • Demonstrate a reassurence of the role of competition, non- discrimination and transparency in achieving “value for money” in public procurement operations;
  • Assess procurement risks and develop strategies for mitigating them;
  • Select appropriate procurement methods for goods, works, non-consulting services and consulting services;
  • Prepare procurement documents based on WB standard models;
  • Conduct bid evaluation, contract award and contract administration procedures;
  • Appreciate emerging competency frameworks for procurement professionals.

US$ 1600 to cover tuition and training materials