Oil and Gas Marketing

Start: Aug 25, 2025
End: Aug 29, 2025
Venue: Dodoma, Tanzania
Format: One week
Duration: 1 week
Statement of Need

Global oil demand is projected to hit 102 million barrels per day in 2023, rising to 104 mb/d in the mid 2030’s and then declines very slightly by 2050. Natural gas demand will grow to around 4,500 billion cubic metres (bcm) in 2030 and to 5,100 bcm in 2060. By the end of 2023, the crude oil market will generate US$2,872.71 million, rising to US$3,641.18 million in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.59% between 2023 and 2028.

A number of countries in Africa have had oil discoveries. Some are already at the production stage, others have signed up agreements for crude oil pipeline construction. The oil and gas sector is complex, combining upstream, midstream and downstream activities.

While the entire oil and gas supply chain must first be contextualized, final markets where the oil and gas products will end must be analysed and carefully assessed. This requires that, in the first instance, a clear understanding of the structure of the oil and gas sector is understood, oil and gas market structure is demystified and drivers of oil and gas prices around the world understood. Which markets exist for oil and gas products? What are their attributes? How are they organized? What drives prices for oil and gas? What are the bi-products of the oil and gas sector and what markets exist for the bi-products?

Who Attends

Those working in petroleum, oil and gas sector and those wishing to understand how the oil and gas sector functions

How participants will benefit

By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:-

  • Describe how the oil and gas sector is organized
  • Understand the key drivers of crude oil prices and market trends in the oil and gas sector
  • Analyse major oil and gas markets around the world
  • Examine oil and gas distribution channels
  • Evaluate oil and gas market trends
  • Undertake oil and gas market analytics

US$ 1250 to cover tuition and training materials only.