Multi-modal Logistics: Urban Transport Planning And Modeling

Start: Jul 21, 2025
End: Aug 1, 2025
Venue: Mombasa - Kenya
Format: Two weeks
Duration: 2 weeks
Statement of Need

Traffic congestion, loss of productive time, environmental challenges, high accident rates and ‘economic growth lock up’ are some of the attributes that many countries can associate with. A significant portion of African countries’ GDP is lost due to poor planning of infrastructure; which in turn affects all other sectors in the economy.
The modes which travelers use and the statistics associated with this has hardly elicited sustained policy dialogue. Some transport economists have actually commented that we are holding back Africa’s economic growth potential. Trip generation, trip distribution, production and attractions as well as travel analysis zones have not received attention from transport planning bodies and institutions; and nor have the modes that are used to travel from one zone to another and the existing interchanges.

The programme will focus on multi-modal planning techniques, delving into trip generation, trip distribution, modal split and trip assignment techniques. Complimenting these will be the relationship between intermodal logistics planning, land use planning and economic development.

The significance of integrating road (public buses, private vehicle use), rail (commuter, mass transit, metro etc) and strategies for de-congesting the urban areas will be addressed.

Who Attends

The programme targets transport economists and planners, city council planning officers and land use planners, engineers, ministry of transport officials, officials working in public private partnership units and ministry of finance as well as accountants, auditors, project managers and supply chain managers.

How participants will benefit

At the end of the programme, participants will be able to:

  • Map out travel analysis zones and collect as well as model data on trip generation, trip distribution, modal split and trip assignment;
  • Explain how to integrate various transport modes and offer seamless transport services;
  • Practice transport and multi-modal logistics modeling and simulation;
  • Link multi-modal logistics planning to land use.

US$ 1600 to cover tuition and training materials only.