Transformation Of Public Service Delivery – An Evidence Based Approach

Start: Sep 8, 2025
End: Sep 19, 2025
Venue: Victoria - Seychelles
Format: Two weeks
Duration: 2 weeks
Statement of Need

Since the turn of the century, sub-Saharan African countries have consistently registered economic growth rates that have led the rest of the world to take greater interest in these economies. It is widely acknowledged that economic development is principally driven by sound policies, systems, strong institutions that are properly governed, human capital that believes in the cause being pursued and responsive government. Africa is indeed changing, with concerted multi-layer efforts being made to leap frog the economies into middle income status. These efforts need to be coordinated more effectively, accelerated, scaled up and replicated. This course examines the economic transformation models that singapore, malaysia and south korea have used; interrogates the european and american economic development models and concludes by offering insights on the emerging african economic development model.

Who Attends

This course will be beneficial to those leading the public sector reforms agenda, members of parliament, policy makers, directors and senior level government officers. Teams that are in charge of national development planning and corporate planning, together with senior economists and strategic human capital managers will also benefit from the course.

How participants will benefit

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• Appreciate the interface between policy implementation and economic development;
• Re-orient the national vision blue prints to economic and government transformation agenda;
• Lead the paradigm shift that is so urgently required in Africa;
• Re-examine the emerging new economic development model for Africa;
• Inform the strategic roadmaps for the Public Sector more effectively.


US$ 1600 to cover tuition and training materials only.