Tools for Trade Policy Analysis

Start: Jun 3, 2024
End: Jun 14, 2024
Venue: Kampala - Uganda
Format: Two weeks
Duration: 2 weeks
Statement of Need

The programme is geared at improving the awareness and understanding of quantitative methods, which in turn can contribute to evaluations of development and poverty effects of negotiation positions and outcomes
as well as domestic trade-related policy choices.

The objective of the programme is to introduce the participants to key tools of analysis in common use among trade economists. This will cover hands-on exercises with some partial equilibrium models and various trade indicators. The participants will have the chance to extract data from UN COMTRADE and the UNCTAD/World Bank WITS/TRAINS databases and to compute the indicators. Participants will also learn how to interpret the results of their work. Also introduce and familiarise participants with different sources of trade and trade policy data, and the latest available analytical techniques, including partial and general equilibrium models. Particular emphasis will be placed on the methodological aspects, as participants are strongly encouraged to further use and disseminate the knowledge and materials presented in their research activities.

Who Attends

Officials from Trade and Trade Related Ministries and parastatals, officials from Regional Economic Communities, Negotiators, and Regional Integration Practitioners. Ministries of law including attorney general offices, ministries of foreign affairs, ministries of trade and finance etc

How participants will benefit

At the end of the programme, participants will be able to:

  • Utilize quantitative methods to analyze trade policies;
  • Using various tools carry out basic trade analysis;
  • Develop global mindset with a grasp of international trade analysis and policy issues with a focus on LDCs;
  • Discuss the role and nature of the various trade analysis policy tools
  • Evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, and challenges of bilateral; regional, and multilateral international trade negotiations; agreements, institutions, and processes, considering their economic, social, and political dimensions;
  • Examine non-tariff measures and attempts to quantify them, and to show that non-tariff measures are increasingly replacing tariffs as major trade barriers;
  • Apply TPA methods on multilateral trade policy changes and RTAs; to learn about trade creation and diversion effects, as well as the benefits provided by trade preferences and the importance of rules of
    origin, and to discuss the magnitude and potential.

US$ 1600 to cover tuition and training materials only.