Managing Intergenerational Workforce

Start: Sep 8, 2025
End: Sep 12, 2025
Venue: Mombasa - Kenya
Format: Two weeks
Duration: 1 week
Statement of Need

For the first time in history, five generations are working in the same organization side by side. From traditionalists to Gen2020er are now part of the labour force. Generation Alpha will soon join the workplace. These generations exhibit very distinct work values, ethics and approaches. Indeed, work expectations vary greatly across these generations and this presents a critical challenge for managers. It is sometimes a major cause for workplace tensions which can either be productive or counter-productive depending on the approaches used. What are the attributes that have shaped the respective generations? What causes the generational tensions being witnessed and how should these be addressed? How can managers harness the collective intelligence these generations possess to unleash superior organizational performance and democratize, enliven the organisational climate?

Who Attends

Directors from all functional areas, Human Capital Managers, and Supervisors.

How participants will benefit

By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:-
• Understand the factors that shape the work values and culture that distinguish each generation
• Harness collective intelligence that each generation possesses to improve organizational performance
• Effectively manage intergenerational tension and teams
• Develop organisational policies that balance the expectations across each generation
• Understand how multigenerational traits influence thinking


US$ 1600 to cover tuition and training materials only.