Advanced Public Relations And Stakeholder Management

Start: Dec 8, 2025
End: Dec 12, 2025
Venue: Dubai, UAE
Format: One week
Duration: 1 week
Statement of Need

Organizations exist to serve customers and other stakeholder interests. In a time of increasingly rapid change any organisation must continually appraise the changing needs of its stakeholders, the shifting priorities in its environment and the tactics that it uses to influence key stakeholders Public Relations has become complex due to changes in the environment. The changes in operating environment has made stakeholder engagement a legal imperative in the public sector and public relations practitioners have to align their organizational plans to this new but growing phenomenon. This programme is designed to enhance skills and knowledge of practitioners in this emerging reality. 


Who Attends

Customer care/relations personnel, past participants in the management of PR and quality customer service management.

How participants will benefit

At the end of the programme, participants will be able to:

  • Undertake stakeholder engagement;
  • Develop strategies for stakeholder engagement;
  • Lead change through the power of relationships;
  • Build relationship with people to ensure success.
  • Deliver targeted PR Campaigns improving the organizations image and reputation with stakeholders
  • Devise solutions to endemic PR issues and crisis related responses



US$ 1600 to cover tuition and training materials only.